
Dalia Wants to Help You Convert More Career Site Visitors

Sam Fitzroy is the co-founder and CEO of Dalia, a recruitment marketing automation tool. The company, just announced the completion of a $5 million Series A round led by Lewis & Clark Venture. The capital will be used to expand its product suite, which maximizes career site conversion rates to make recruitment marketing budgets more efficient and invest further in sales and marketing.

20 Minute podcast audio.


  • What is Dalia?

  • Why dont enough companies care about conversion rates…they spend all this money on advertising….

  • Describe the journey for the job seeker?

  • Text or email?

  • Give me some stats around your product as far as open rates, ROI…

  • What is implementation like for employers?

  • What's the biggest challenge you face as a business going into 2023?

  • You started your career at Indeed, what do think of their recent move into PPA?

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