
It's a Goodtime.io to Hire

GoodTime is used by over 300 leading companies like Spotify, Slack, and Box, to drive better results from their most important meetings. The GoodTime Meeting Optimization Engine automates scheduling, makes sure the right people are in the room, and provides actionable insights to meet smarter……their flagship product, Hire, allows organizations to win top talent faster.

GoodTime CEO and Co-Founder, Ahryun Moon joins me on Zoom from…San Francisco.


1. One of the best brand names in HR tech…give us a quick history of the company…

2 Are meetings broken? how to make meetings more effective.

3. Many meetings are virtual now…How has zoom meetings affected your product?

4 Implementation process?

5. Success stories?

6. What trends are you seeing when it comes to talent acquisition?

7. From a sales perspective how is the market selling into HR… ?

8. What will be the long-term consequences of the Great Resignation?

9. What are some suggestions to companies to drive higher hiring rates?

10. Are you hiring? Any conferences goodtime wil be at?

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