
ModernHire's Automated Interview Creator

Modern Hire, the enterprise hiring platform for video interviewing and pre-hire assessments, recently announced the release of Automated Interview Creator (AIC).

AIC provides hiring and recruiting teams with the recommendations for optimal interview questions based on job requirements to identify best-fit candidates quickly and confidently. Here to talk about this new recruiting technology is Mike Hudy, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer at Modern Hire


  • Tell me more about Automated Interview Creator and what problem you are trying to solve with it?

  • What are some of the issues or challenges recruiters typically face around interview questions?

  • AI hiring tools have become more popular; can you explain what the key advantages are for recruiting teams?

  • Is there still a human touch/influence in the hiring process when using these tools?

  • What are you looking for AI in recruiting 5 years from now?

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