
Vaia Talent

Angie Verros on Candidate Outreach - HIREconf NYC Coverage

HIREconf NYC was a terrific time. Over the next few weeks we’ll be sharing some selected audio from the 2 day event put on by HiringSolved. In this audio you’ll hear Angie Verros from Vaia Talent share her thoughts on crafting better candidate outreach.

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Subject Lines for Candidates with Angie Verros

Angie Verros is the founder of Vaia Talent….As a former talent acquisition leader at several high growth organizations in Chicago She Brings a unique combination of successful recruiting leadership coupled with talent brand and operations experience to her role as sourcer, trainer and consultant to employers. Angie is a frequent speaker on the recruiting circuit. You can hear her at the upcoming RecruitCon event in Nashville but today she is on RecTech to discuss compelling content for candidates (aka Subject Lines to use).

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